- New York State Center for School Health
- Content Area
For NYS Laws & Commissioner's Regulations, check out the Laws & Commissioner's Regulations by Content Area page.
For Sample Forms related to the topic content areas below, check out the Samples | Forms page.
Guidelines & Memos by Content Area
Allergy | Anaphylaxis Management | Epinephrine
School districts must develop guidelines and procedures to be followed for the prevention of anaphylaxis and during a medical emergency resulting from anaphylaxis in the school. This section contains guidelines and memos related to anaphylaxis management and epinephrine use in schools.
Guidelines & Memos for managing students with asthma in the school setting. Including stocking and providing Albuterol.
New York State Education Department (NYSED) Guidelines and Memos pertaining to Athletics in Schools
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) | Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
NYSED Memos related to CPR and AED use in a school setting.
Child Abuse | Child Protective Services
It is critically important to report and investigate child abuse or neglect allegations and take appropriate steps to protect children from abuse. This page includes guidance and memos regarding child abuse.
Communicable Disease
Guidance from NYSDOH and NYSED concerning communicable diseases in the school setting
The Concussion Management and Awareness Act requires the creation of rules and regulations related to students who sustain a concussion, also known as a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).
Dental Health Certificates
A dental health certificate is requested from each student when a health certificate is required. Education Law Section 903 addresses this.
Memos pertaining to Diabetes, including blood glucose testing, insulin pumps, glucagon, & training unlicensed staff.
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Provides information regarding the NYS Dignity Act (DASA), which seeks to provide public school students a supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus, and/or at a school function. Includes memos and resources related to Transgender, Non-conforming students and Immigration.
E-Cigarettes | Tobacco Products | Vaping
Guidance and resources from the NYSED and NYSDOH regarding e-cigarettes.
Emergency | School Safety
Guidance about Managing Emergency Health and School Response plans is detailed in these memos.
Flu (Influenza)
Regulatory requirements for posting of Influenza resources in schools by NYSDOH, NYSED Guidance and memos
Foster Care
NYSED in collaboration with the Office of Children and Family Services has developed guidance and resources to assist school districts and LDSS in meeting the new requirements for ensuring educational stability for students in foster care.
Hand Sanitizers | Soaps | Facilities Cleaning
Includes NYSED guidance on use of alcohol based hand sanitizer, hand soaps and cleaning of facilities.
Health Examinations
School Health Examination Guidelines provide information on student health examination requirements and guidance for administrators and school health personnel in establishing the mandated health program.
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act - provides an overview of HIPAA Privacy Rule, HIPAA Security Rule, HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety.
Health Notifications
Parent/Guardian Notifications Regarding Student Illness or Injury - States that schools should provide timely information to parents/guardians about student illness or injury so they may obtain appropriate care for their children.
Homeless | Displaced | Refugee Students | McKinney- Vento
Information for schools regarding the rights of students under the McKinney-Vento Act, Displaced students of natural disaster, foster care, adoption, or refugee circumstance.
New York State Education Department (NYSED) Guidelines and Memos pertaining to Immunizations.
Laboratory Testing-Limited Service Laboratory Registration Certificate (LSL)
Information on the Limited Service Laboratory Registration Certificate (LSL). Describes the Public Health Law requires that schools must obtain a certificate if performing laboratory tests.
LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning) | Gender Expansive Youth Resources
Guidance to School Districts for Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment For Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students
NYSED Guidelines for Medication Management in Schools: Provides a framework for developing policy and procedures that meet the requirements for medication administration in a school setting, both public and non-public, defined in state law and regulation. Memos regarding medication delivery are also here.
Menstrual Health | Products
NYSED memos regarding menstrual products in schools public and nonpublic
Mental Health Education
An amendment to Health Education Law goes into effect July 2018. It will require mental health education as a part of a Health Education program. Here are some links to NYSED memos and resources for educators.
Nursing Roles | Practice | Services
Memos include: Provision of Nursing Tasks & Health-Related Activities in the School Setting for Students with Special Health Care Needs; Use of LPN & the Term "School Nurse in the School Settings 2004; Differentiated Scope of Practice of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Professional Nurses (RNs) 2009 and District Responsibilities in Hiring Self-Employed Nurse 2010
Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs | Naloxone
Heroin and opioid abuse continues to grow in NYS and throughout the nation. The NYSED Opioid Overdose Prevention Resources may be used in consultation with the school medical director, administration, and school counsel in implementing a school or school district opioid overdose prevention program. Memos from NYSED and NYSDOH are listed as well.
Physical Education
NYS Education Department (NYSED) Guidelines, and Memos pertaining to Physical Education in Schools
Guidelines for Health Services in Prekindergarten Programs & Guidelines for Supporting Toilet Learning - NYSED Memo
Restraints | Behavioral Interventions in Schools
Each school's code of conduct and discipline and behavioral interventions must be developed consistent with NYSED regulations that promote the use of positive behavioral supports and interventions and prohibit or limit use of certain types of behavioral interventions for students.
Restroom Availability | Access
Includes memos on the requirement to provide students with sanitary facilities (restrooms) and make them available to building occupants at all times of occupancy.
Screening (Hearing, Scoliosis, Vision)
New York State Education Department (NYSED) Guidelines and Resources
Includes NYSED memos related to Sepsis and an overview of NYSED partnership with the Rory Staunton Foundation to create resources for schools to teach students about this severe infection.
Substance Abuse Education & Implementation
Education Law §3038 requires the superintendent of each school district, in consultation with the local Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) District Superintendent (DS) where applicable, to designate an employee of the school district or BOCES to provide materials and/or resources upon request to any student, parent or staff regarding where and how to find available substance use related services.
Ticks and Tickborne Disease
Memos provided to schools on tick and tickborne disease education and resources for schools.
This memorandum responds to the many questions our office receives in regard to whether or not children must be toilet trained to attend a New York State-funded prekindergarten (Pre-K) or kindergarten program
Trauma-Informed Care | Suicide
NYS Education Department sent a memo: Resources for Schools on Trauma-Informed Care and Youth Witnessing a Suicide to assist schools. The memo has provided a list of resource materials and informational links.
Schools may not require students to submit tuberculosis testing results to enter schools as it may have the effect of prohibiting or discouraging children, especially unaccompanied immigrant children, from enrolling in schools.
Vagal Nerve Stimulator
"The State Board for Nursing has opined that the procedure of vagal nerve stimulation through use of a magnet is critical to the welfare of select children with seizure disorders. Unlicensed persons may apply this technique in school settings provided that such persons understand the particular child’s seizure patterns and are trained in the proper technique and potential side effects."
Working Papers | Employment of Minors
School districts in New York State are responsible for issuing employment certificates and permits to qualified applicants.
Workplace Violence
The NYS Department of Labor Public Employee Safety and Health Bureau (PESH) requires public sector employers in New York State to institute workplace violence prevention programs.
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has worked with the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) to provide information to schools on available resources and information related to the Zika virus.