P Resources
Parent Engagement | Parent Support
Includes parent support and engagement resources from the National School Boards and the CDC.
Potassium Iodide for Radiation Emergencies
NYS Resources for Potassium Iodide and Radiation Emergencies
Pregnancy | Pregnant Parents
Clarification of Student Pregnancy, Student Parent resources, Support of Pregnant and Parenting Students, Including Details of Title IX as it relates to this student population.
Health Services in Prekindergarten Programs & Supporting Toilet Learning Guidelines and NYSED Memos
Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH-NYS)
Safety and health standards of Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) for public employees in NYS.
Pupil Transportation
Provides links and resources from the NYS Education Department, New York Association for Pupil Transportation Rochester Association for Pupil Transportation. NYSED guidance on field trips, use of oxygen, responding to bus accidents and safety, and AAP Guidance on Transporting Students with Special Health Care Needs.