H Resources
Hand Sanitizers | Hand Washing
NYSED memo and sample and resources on the use of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer (ABHS), information on safe placement and storage of ABHS, the science of ABHS, and resources on hand washing.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Contains information on how to safely dispose of medical supplies including medications in compliance with NYS Department of Environmental and Conservation
Health Care Coordination in Schools
This page contains resources from the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) to assist schools in improving care coordination and support students with chronic health conditions.
Health Care Insurance Coverage
In New York State, insurance is provided through NY State of Health which is designed to help people shop for and enroll in health insurance coverage. Anyone who needs health coverage can apply.
Health Examination | Forms | Guidelines
Provides information on the NYSED School Health Examination Guidelines, NYSED Required Health Examination Form and EHR Compatible Form, Interval Health History Form, and Dental Certificates.
Health Literate | Culturally Sensitive Communications
Medical concepts and language are very complex. People need easily understandable health information regardless of age, background or reading level. Health literacy is well a person can obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services so that they can make appropriate health decisions. Also contains resources on general news and media literacy and determining media accuracy.
Hearing Safety
Includes resources for educating students and families on hearing safety and hearing loss due to noise.
HIP (Health Information Portal) | Email Archive
Archive of HIP emails sent out from the Center in the previous two years. This can also be accessed from the "HIP Archive" link on the main page of the website.
HIP (Health Information Portal) | Email Subscription Page
Contains links to subscribe to the NYSCSH Health Information Portal, a permission-based email notification system that provides updates on NYS Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, Memos, NYSCSH training, and resources.
HIP (Health Information Portal) | FAQ and Assistance Page
Provides an overview of the type of the purpose, type of content sent and FAQs with subscription and trouble-shooting tips.
Provides webinars, training, and resources for HIV and AIDS from the CDC, NYSED, NYSDOH, and Clinical Education Initiative (CEI)
Homeless | Displaced | Refugee Students I McKinney-Vento
NYS and U.S. Education Department resources and information for schools regarding the rights of students under the McKinney-Vento Act,. This page also includes resources to help schools support students displaced due to natural disaster, foster care placement, adoption, refugee circumstances and homeless/runaway youth.
Human Trafficking | Sexual Exploitation of Minors
Contains NYS and National Resources on Human Trafficking and the Sexual Exploitation of Minors, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Safe Harbour for Exploited Children Act, Federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183)., Homeland Security Blue Campaign and other resources for schools and communities.