S Resources
School Climate | Bullying
Resources on bullying, safety, engagement, demographics, physical, mental, and behavioral health, economic indicators, and supportive environments to support schools and improve school success.
School Health Services | Practices | Standards
Contains Caring for Our Children- National Health and Safety Performance Standards, Healthy Students, Promising Futures-State and Local Action Steps and Practices to Improve School-Based Health, resources on School Health Policies and Practices Study, State School Health Policy Database
School Meal Programs
Provides information regarding requirements for school meal programs including accommodations for students with special dietary needs.
School Nursing Practice
The Scope of Practice within the nursing professions in New York State schools, including a frequently asked questions (FAQs) page, credentialing, and boards of nursing resources.
School Safety
Information on school safety, injury and violence prevention, and the SAVE (Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act-NSYED). Includes links to the New York School Safety Page.
Scoliosis Resources
Scoliosis screening guidelines and a guide to Scoliosis from Boston Children's Hospital.
Screenings (Hearing, Scoliosis, Vision)
NYSED Guidelines for Hearing, Scoliosis, and Vision screenings, charts for grade levels when screenings should be performed, screenings frequently asked questions (FAQs) page, sample notifications and documentation forms.
Seizures | Epilepsy
Resources on medication, school management, and national free training programs for nurses and other school staff.
Resources and sample sepsis prevention K-12 curriculum from NYSED. Includes link to the Rory Staunton Foundation and lessons for the classroom.Clinical guidelines, symptom checklist, and training resources from the CDC- including conversation starters for healthcare providers.
Sexual Health | Safety
Resources on sexual health from the CDC, NYSED, NYSDOH, and other agencies and organizations on Sexually Transmitted Infections & NYS Sexual Health Plan
Skin Cancer Prevention | Sun Safety | Sunscreen Use In School
Skin cancer prevention and educational resources from the CDC, FDA, NYS Department of Health, Links to New York State Education Law, and memo regarding sunscreen use in. schools
Smoking | Tobacco
Centers for Disease Control and Surgeon General resources about Smoking and Tobacco.
Social Emotional Learning
Resources from NYSED, CDC, and CASEL including social and emotional learning (SEL) tools and resources to inform and support educators, researchers, policymakers, and parents who are leading this work in the field. Includes resources to evaluate evidence-based programs.
Special Education | Special Health Care
Provides Descriptions of Chronic Illnesses, Special Education Resources, Nursing Information, and Parent Support Resources.
Note: Links to the Office of Civil Rights and 504 information can be found under O for Office of Civil Rights | 504 |ADA. -
Student and Data Privacy (FERPA, PPRA and NYS Education Law 2-d)
The U.S. Department of Education is committed to protecting student privacy. They administer and enforce student privacy laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).
Substance Use | Drugs
Resources from CDC, NIH, SAMHSA, NYSDOH OASAS, NYSDOH Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, and others on drug and substance abuse and prevention. Includes released NYSDOH flash drive with resources on Opioid Overdose Prevention.
Suicide Prevention
Provides resources for obtaining current data and statistics on suicide and resources to educate and communicate about suicide prevention for staff. students and families.
Sweating | Excessive | Hyperhidrosis
Provides resources for families and clinicians on education and treatment.