Special Education | Special Health Care

NYSED Resources

Special Education
The Office of Special Education provides assistance to parents, advocacy groups, and schools related to services and programs for students with disabilities.

Laws and Regulations Related to Special Education and Students with Disabilities
Provides information and links to the legislature for NYS and Federal laws and regulations

A Parent's Guide to Special Education
This webpage includes information and a downloadable version of A Parent's Guide to Special Education. The guide is intended to provide parents/guardians with a broad overview of the special education process in NYS and a resource to help understand some of the rights and protections provided by federal and NYS laws and regulations.

NYS Resources

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Program - NYSDOH
The Children with Special Health Care Needs Program seeks to improve the system of care for children with special health care needs from birth to 21 years of age and their families. Children served by the CSHCN Program have an illness or condition for which they need extra health care and support services. The site includes community resources, a helpline, and a community navigator tool.

Resource Directory for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs - NYSDOH
This resource directory is for families of children and young adults who have a serious illness or long-lasting condition for which they need extra health care and support.

Parent to Parent of NYS
These centers assist families with questions related to special education services, offer a parent matching program, and help families gain an understanding of Home and Community Based Waiver Services, which are funded through the NYS Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.

Other Resources

AAP Role of the School Nurse in Providing School Health Services
American Academy of Pediatrics Position Statement

Serving the Medically Fragile Child in the School Setting
This publication from the American Federation of Teachers is designed to help and highlight the roles of teachers, nurses, administrators, paraprofessionals, and school personnel as they work to meet the needs of children with significant medical conditions. 

CDC- Managing Chronic Health Conditions in Schools
This webpage provides resources on Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Food Allergies, Oral Health, and much more. 

Information for School Nurses from the Specialized Health Needs Interagency Collaboration (SHNIC)
Provides resources for providing direct care, managing the health care plan, educating staff about emergency plans, identifying possible classroom accommodations for the student, as well as providing resources for parents of students with special health care needs.

Translating Strategies into Actions to Improve Care Coordination for Students with Chronic Health Conditions
This National Association of School Nurses White Paper provides an actionable framework of how school nurses can be key on-site experts in helping address the challenges students and families face and creating a bridge between the school, home, and medical providers. 

See Also:

Page Updated 1/10/25