A Resources
Abuse | Child Abuse | Child Abuse in an Educational Setting
Requirements for mandated reporters, training links and resources, reporting forms, and contact numbers. It also includes specific information on child abuse that occurs in an educational setting. Prevention program information is included.
Abuse | Teen Dating Violence
Resources from the CDC, NYSDOH on dating abuse, and Hotline for reporting.
Adverse Child Experiences (ACEs) | Trauma Informed Care
Provides an overview of ACEs causes, impact, and interventions adults can take to provide support Includes information on creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools (TSS).
Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers (ABHS)
NYSED Revised Memorandum Regarding Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers
Allergy | Anaphylaxis
NYSED resources, evidence-based guidelines from the CDC, National School Boards Association, FARE, and information on epinephrine use in school.
American Indian | Native American Education
Provides resources to assist educators to support American Indian students and families and culturally sensitive information to educate staff.
Animals in School | Pets | Service Animals
Guidelines and resources for use of service animals in the school setting.
Resources include asthma clinical guidelines, medication, spacer/valved holding chamber information, and resources for educating students, families, and school staff.
Athletic Placement Process (APP)
APP (formerly-Selective Classification) is a program for evaluating students who want to participate in sports at higher or lower levels.
Provides information on Guidelines, Athletic Trainers, Coaches, Mixed Competition, and NYSPHSAA.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
Basics, symptoms, treatment and data; medication overview chart including names and dosing information.
Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
Public Health Law 3000-b: Emergency Medical Treatment, Good Samaritan Law, Defibrillators and Epinephrine Requirements.