Absenteeism | Attendance

NYSED Resource

Attendance - Pupil Personnel Services

 Other Resources

Every Student Present
NYS Council on Children and Families provides resource materials for parents and school staff on school attendance. Information is available on Chronic Absenteeism, including Awareness, Engagement, Recognition, Data and Monitoring, and Interventions and Supports.

Attendance Works
National and state initiative that promotes tracking chronic absence data and partnering with families and community agencies to intervene when poor attendance is a problem for students or schools. 

Chronic Absence Calculator
Attendance Works has partnered with Applied Survey Research to develop free self-calculating spreadsheets for school districts to track attendance. These tools are especially effective for smaller districts with more limited data capacity. The companion tools are the School Attendance Tracking Tools (SATTs) which provide school-level analysis down to the individual student level. 

Chronic Absenteeism in the Nation's Schools
 An interactive website from the U.S. Department of Education showing the extent of the crisis in terms of geography, ethnicity, disability status, and school level.

Healthy Schools Campaign
Provides a toolkit that focuses on preparing educators and school district decision-makers with knowledge and practical guidance for creating meaningful change to address health-related chronic absenteeism.  

Page Updated 7/24/24