Allergy | Anaphylaxis Management | Epinephrine

Pursuant to Education Law §921-a, both public and non-public schools may choose to provide and maintain epinephrine auto-injectors on-site and permit volunteer school personnel to be trained to administer epinephrine via auto-injector on-site to a student or staff member in an instructional facility per Commissioner's regulation §136.6 who appears to be in anaphylaxis, regardless of history of severe allergic reaction.

The amendment requires schools that choose to carry stock epinephrine auto-injectors on site and trained unlicensed personnel to provide all teachers with written informational material created and approved by the Commissioner of Health on using epinephrine auto-injectors.

The NYSDOH materials are not available yet. In the interim, schools are encouraged to use each epinephrine manufacturer's website to access the required information on the use and type of stock epinephrine auto-injector they have on site. 

The Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) webpage lists the current epinephrine devices, product information, and product use.

NYSED Guidelines

Guidelines for Managing Allergies and Anaphylaxis in Schools (NYSED 4/2024)
This guidance provides school districts with the information to establish an anaphylaxis policy, setting forth guidelines and procedures to be followed for both the prevention of anaphylaxis and to be used during a medical emergency resulting from anaphylaxis. 

Guidelines for Medication Administration in Schools (NYSED 2022)
Provides a framework for developing policies and procedures for medication administration in public and non-public schools as defined in state law and regulation. Contains information on Epinephrine training requirements.

Non-Patient Specific Standing Order and Protocol Guidelines
Practice Alerts from the NYS Office of Professions. Describes requirements for non-patient-specific orders, anaphylaxis, and EAI recording and reporting protocol.


Information for Schools Regarding New Law for Emergency Epinephrine Use (NYSED 2/26/15)
Note: this has been updated, and a collaborative agreement is no longer required. Please read this update regarding the changes as of March 2017 below,

Use of Epinephrine Auto-Injector Devices in the School Setting (NYSED 6/2002)  

Clarification about Administering Immunizations and Anaphylactic Agents by RNs using Non-Patient Specific Orders & Protocols (NYSED 10/3/01)
Provides information on the ability of an LPN to administer epinephrine in an emergency situation.

Provisions of Law Concerning the Administration of Immunizations & Anaphylactic Agents by RNs Utilizing Non-Patient Specific Orders & Protocols (NYSED 2/27/01)
Provides specific requirements on documentation, retention, and reporting of incidents to EMS and the persons' health care provider.

See Also:

Page Updated 4/24/24