Emergency | School Safety

NYSED Guidelines

Managing Emergency Health Care and Communicable Diseases In the School Setting (NYSED 11/2023) 
Provides local educational agencies with a framework for establishing a health services program that provides the services and information required under New York State Education Law Article 19. It provides guidance for developing emergency health care and communicable disease protocols for schools. This document is intended for use by school health personnel and administrators.


Additional Guidance on Legislative Changes Related to School Emergency Response Planning (NYSED 8/12/16) 
This memo contains additional guidance for Education Law §§ 2801-and 807 (Chapter 54 of the Laws of 2016). This memo update includes dates for the submission of safety plans and the annual school safety and school violence training. This includes training in mental health and should be completed by September 15. Resources for educators in mental health are included.

Recent Legislative Changes Related to School Emergency Response Planning (NYSED 5/19/16)   
Expands school safety requirements to include training and practice in violence prevention drills, such as lock-down drills. It now includes notification policies and procedure requirements for contacting parents, guardians, or persons in parental relation to a student in the event of an implied or direct threat of violence by a student against themselves, including the threat of suicide.

See Also:

Page Updated 11/25/24