Hand Sanitizers | Soaps | Facilities Cleaning


Handwashing Recommendations and Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer (ABHS) Use In Schools 
This memo updates the 2009 NYSED Guidance on the use of ABHS in the school setting. School Medical Directors may approve and permit the use of ABHS for use in their facilities without the need for individual orders from students' private healthcare providers. This guidance is based on best practice in infection control and recommendations from the CDC. 

Hand Sanitizer Field Memo (NYSED 2009)
Updated Information Regarding Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers (NYSED) - Reaffirms use of Hand Sanitizers and discusses safety measures for use.  

Green Cleaning Product Update (NYSED 2007)
Information on Guidelines for the Procurement and Use of Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and Maintenance Products, including hand soaps, hand cleaners, and hand sanitizers.

Page Updated 7/24/24