NYSDOH Student Weight Status Category Reporting (SWSCR)
The "2024-2025 SWSC/BMI & Health Conditions Reporting Survey" is still reported in HERDS. This has not changed!
Below is information on the 2024-2025 SWSC/BMI & Health Conditions reporting survey for selected schools.
Remember to use data from last school year's (2023-2024) physicals when reporting.
Reporting is due Friday, January 31, 2025.
Please direct questions about WSC/BMI reporting to Sherry Brown, Bureau of Chronic Disease Evaluation & Research,
New York State Department of Health at email: schoolbmi@health.ny.gov or phone 518-473-7817.2024-2025 BMI/ Student Weight Status Category Reporting Training Registration and Schedule
Public Schools Selected To Complete The Survey for the 2024-2025 School Year
Identifies which public schools were selected to report Weight Status Category information for the current school year. 50% of all public schools are surveyed each year.
BOCES, Charter, Private, and 4201 designated schools are not required to report WSC data. -
How To Assign Reporter Roles and Report Data
Provides information on how to assign roles and how the person assigned to the role of School District Nurse or Data Reporter can enter and submit data for their school district. Provides Health Commerce System (HCS) Portal access link to submit data.
How to Request/Create Health Commerce System (HCS) Accounts, Reset Password or User ID, & Account Management Guide.
Provides online User Account Guide to the Health Commerce System with pictorial directions to obtaining a user account online. Also includes online password and user ID reset guides.
Parent and Health Care Provider Notification Resources
Provides information for school districts on how to obtain passive parent notification and sample follow-up letters to health care providers who omitted WSC or health conditions information on a student's health exam.
School Building and District Tally Sheets
Provides school tally sheets for use by the building level and district tally sheets for the person assigned at the district level to enter onto the Health Commerce System.
FAQ's Regarding Student Weight Status Category Reporting
Provides an overview of the amendments to NYS Education Law in 2007 and a summary of frequently asked questions.
NYS Weight Status Data Reporting and Obesity Statistics
Student Weight Status Data
Beginning in 2010, all data reported through the Student Weight Status Category Reporting System has been released by Health Data New York. Prior to 2010, data from SWSCR was released through the printable report and continue to be incorporated into reports released to the public. These reports are accessible through web links posted on this linked page.The Student Weight Data Explorer
This dashboard reports data on overweight and obesity by school districts, counties, and regions of the state. It includes tools that provide comprehensive data on an individual school district or allow you to compare multiple districts, and multiple counties, and review statewide and regional trends. Schools can use this data to determine health, education, and fitness goals, and apply for grant funding.NYSDOH Information For Action # 2019-02
The report provides information that NYS obesity rates are decreasing among elementary school students but on the rise among middle and high school students.