
Glucagon Product Websites & Demo Training Device Information

Note: The New York State Education Department (NYSED) and NYS Center for School Health (NYSCSH) do not endorse individual vendors, products, or services. Links to vendors, products, or services by trade name, trademark, or manufacturer are provided for educational purposes only.

Baqsimi™ (BAK-see-mee) (Lilly) - Dry mist intranasal glucagon product

Glucagon™ for Injection (Lilly)

    • Health Professionals (RN, NP, Physician, PA) can request demo training devices for both Baqsimi (intranasal) and Glucagon for Injection (vial & syringe) at 1-800-545-5979 M-F 9am-7pm

Glucagen® Hypokit® for Injection (Novo Nordisk®)

Gvoke HypoPen™, Gvoke Prefilled Syringe™, Gvoke Kit™ (Xeris)

Zegalogue Autoinjector™, Zegalogue Prefilled Syringe™ (Zealand Pharma)

    • Health Professionals (RN, NP, Physician, PA) can request a Zegalogue Autoinjector demo training device by sending an email to:

See Also:

Page Updated 7/8/24