
Pursuant to Education Law Article 19 only an RN, or an LPN under the direction of an RN, may administer Neffy® "nasal epinephrine" in the school setting. This includes during district transportation and at school-sponsored events.

Pursuant to Education Law Article 19 §921 and §921-aappropriately trained unlicensed personnel may only administer epinephrine auto-injectors. This would include a student with a patient specific order, or for schools choosing to train unlicensed personnel to administer emergency stock epinephrine auto-injectors to students or staff on-site.

NYSED Guidelines & Resources

Guidelines for Medication Management in Schools (NYSED 10/22) 
Provides a framework for developing policies and procedures for medication administration in public and non-public schools as defined in state law and regulation.

Guide to Determining Levels of Assistance in Medication Delivery (NYSCSH 7/23)
This guide assists in determining who may and may not administer medication in school.

Additional Resources

FDA Approved Drug Search By Name

FDA OTC Drug Resource Page

FDA OTC Active Ingredient List

Rxlist Pill Identification Tool

See Also:

Page Updated 7/26/23