- New York State Center for School Health
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Menstrual Health | Products
NYS Public Health Law
Public Health Law Section 267- Menstrual Products in Schools
All elementary and secondary public and nonpublic schools in New York State serving students in grades six through twelve to provide feminine hygiene products at no cost to students in school restrooms now includes non-public schools. Non-public schools may request an exemption upon demonstration of certain requirements.
- Amendment to Public Health Law §267, effective July 1, 2024, permits only a non-public school to be granted an exemption by the Commissioner of Education if it is demonstrated that the school does not serve students who need such products, and the school has menstrual products in any gender-neutral restroom and other locations in the school in a manner that ensures the privacy of a student needing such product. A non-public school interested in the exemption option must complete an e-mail attestation available on the Office of Religious and Independent School Support’s (ORISS) website. Non-public schools will be notified after the form is reviewed and approved.
Public Health Law Section 268- Information Materials Concerning Menstrual Disorders.
The commissioner, in conjunction with the commissioner of education, shall create age-specific information materials to be provided to school districts and health care practitioners upon request to distribute to students and patients, educating them about menstrual disorders and their symptoms.
See Also:
Page updated 11/26/24