Technology in the School Health Office
Technology has tremendously impacted the healthcare field by assisting health professionals through increased efficiency, accuracy, cost savings, and improved communication between health professionals and patients. Translated into the school health setting, these improvements support the best care for students as well as best practices for school nurses.
Implementing and Managing Electronic Health Records
- EHR Software Comparison Chart In Excel E- Provides a customizable checklist for comparing electronic software vendors and products in an Excel spreadsheet.
- EHR Software Comparison Chart in Word - Provides a customizable checklist for comparing electronic software vendors and products in a Word Document.
- Steps for Purchasing an EHR System - This document provides an 18-step checklist for EHR implementation.
- Technology Glossary - These terms are common to all health office software products. Some are also general technology terms that the school nurse may come across in daily practice. A basic understanding of technology vocabulary is essential to a successful review of school health office software products.
Understanding Electronic Health Records, the HIPAA Security Rule, and Cybersecurity
Information from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
Documentation Integrity in Electronic Health Records Fact Sheet
Informative fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
NASN Position Statement
It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) that Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are essential for the registered professional school nurse to provide efficient and effective care in the school and monitor the health of the entire student population.
New York State Department of Health-Office of Health Information Technology Transformation (OHITT)
Established in 2007, (OHITT) is charged with coordinating health IT programs and policies across the public and private healthcare sectors. Its goal is to enable improvements in healthcare quality, increase affordability and improve healthcare outcomes for New Yorkers.
Guide to Privacy and Security of Electronic Health Information provides information to assist in integrating privacy and security into your practice. While not specific to schools, the information provides a basis for understanding EHR requirements for privacy and security.
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
A global advisor and leader supporting the transformation of the health ecosystem through information and technology. As a mission-driven non-profit, HIMSS offers a unique depth and breadth of expertise in health innovation, public policy, workforce development, research, and analytics to advise global leaders, stakeholders, and influencers on best practices in health information and technology.
See Also:
Page Updated 7/24/24