New York State Legislation- Article 19 Education Law
Section 915 prohibits the sale of certain sweetened foods. Section 918 encourages school districts to establish a nutrition advisory committee.
CDC Resources
Wellness Policy in Action Tool (WPAT)
A tool to help districts and schools implement wellness policies. It can be used to ensure that the policy is consistent across the district, determine if established practices could be incorporated into the district policy, and gather information about new topics to incorporate into the wellness policy.
NYC Wellness Resources
NYC Office of Wellness Program Information (OSWP)
Focuses on Health-related fitness education curriculum
Cooperative, Healthy, Active, Motivated, and Positive Students (CHAMPS)
A sports and fitness program for students to participate in fun, safe, and supervised physical activities before and after school.
Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK)
Addresses childhood undernourishment, obesity, and prevention by working with schools to help children learn to eat right and be active every day.
Creating Healthy Schools and Communities (CHSC)
A comprehensive, community-based participatory approach to increasing opportunities for physical activity and improved nutrition for people across the age span.
Healthy Kids, Healthy New York After-School Initiative Toolkit
Model Guidelines, Toolkit, and Recognition Program focusing on nutrition, physical activity, and screen time, developed collaboratively by multiple NYS agencies, including NYSDOH and NYSED, to create healthy after-school environments. The toolkit includes a self-assessment tool to help evaluate your current practices.
Healthier Schools for Healthier Kids-(EPA-Environmental Protection Agency)
Provides comprehensive school resources you need to establish, maintain, or enhance a school environmental health program.
USDA Food and Nutrition Service - Team Nutrition
Local Wellness Policy Information
Local wellness policies are an important tool for parents, local education agencies, and school districts in promoting student wellness, preventing and reducing childhood obesity, and providing assurance that school meal nutrition guidelines meet the minimum federal school meal standards. Any school that participates in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program must develop wellness policies to meet the unique needs of their school as established by the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 and more recently by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA). Some specific requirements are listed here.
Local School Wellness Policy | Healthy Schools | CDC
USDA Model Wellness Policies
Provides multiple resources to create wellness policies.
Wellness Policy Evaluation
WellSAT 3.0
A quantitative assessment tool to help score and improve local School Wellness Policies. Since 2010, this measure has been used by thousands of people across the country representing school districts from every state.
Page Updated 12/16/24