Menstrual Health | Products
NYSDOH Resources
Public Health Law Section 268. Amended in relation to information materials concerning menstrual disorders. The commissioner, in conjunction with the commissioner of education, shall create age-specific information materials to be provided to school districts and health care practitioners upon request to distribute to students and patients, educating them about menstrual disorders and their symptoms.
Teen Health- All About Your Period
NYSDOH website with additional easy-to-read fact sheets.
Educational materials are linked below:
Other Resources
Period Products in Schools - Alliance for Period Supplies
Provides information on period products in schools and state-specific education on period poverty. | Home
Provides educational resources and distributes menstrual products to people in need.
Period Education Project | Improving Menstrual Health Education
Helps young people access medically accurate menstrual health education.
Menstrual Products in Schools FAQs
Q: What funding will be available to public schools to support this new law?
A: The law did not include funding. Schools are responsible for the cost of products. Products must be provided at no cost to the students.
Non-Public Schools
Q: Does the public health law affect non-public schools?
A: The law was amended, and as of July 1st, 2024, All New York State public and nonpublic schools that serve students in any grade from six to twelve will be required to provide feminine hygiene products to students in school restrooms at no cost.
Placement / Access
Q: Where should the menstrual products be placed?
A: Menstrual products must be kept in restrooms used by students, including gender-neutral bathrooms. Locating the products only in the health office is not acceptable.
Q: How should menstrual products be dispensed?
A: The products may be placed in dispensing machines or in a box or basket as long as they can be accessed for free.
Q: In a K-6 building, where do products need to be kept?
A: Wherever a 6th grader can access. If the 6th graders use a designated restroom, then that’s where they need to be kept. If K-6 all use general restrooms, then all general restrooms need to have products available in them.
Q: What type of menstrual products should be purchased?
A: It is a local decision on the product type purchased. It is recommended that generic products are provided that are both less expensive and less likely to be taken unless a student needs to use one.
See Also:
- Guidelines & Memos - Menstrual Health I Products
- Laws & Commissioner's Regulations - Menstrual Health I Products
Page Updated 11/26/24