Dietary Accommodations | Guidelines

United States Department of Agriculture Resources (USDA)

2017 Edition of Accommodating Children with Disabilities in the School Meal Programs - Food and Nutrition Service
Provides guidance on the requirement for school food authorities to ensure equal access to Program benefits for children with disabilities, which includes providing special meals to children with a disability that restricts their diet.  The guide includes nine major sections: Introduction; Statutory and Regulatory Requirements; Making a Meal Modification; Reimbursement for Modified Meals; Meal Modifications and Substitutions; Meal Service Accommodations; Procedural Safeguards and Training; Non-Disability Situations; and Appendices.

Dietary Guidelines for Every American
The USDA's recommendations and guidelines for helping Americans make better food and beverage choices for healthy nutrition.

School Meals FAQs
The questions and answers are arranged by category, including information on accommodations for children with special dietary needs.

Page Updated 12/24/24