Communicable Disease
NYSED Guidance
Managing Emergency Health Care and Communicable Diseases in the School Setting (NYSED 11/2023)
Provides guidance for developing emergency health care and communicable disease protocols for schools. It is intended for use by school health personnel and administrators.
Note: Education Law authorizes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and registered professional nurses (RN) to assess and exclude a student who displays signs and symptoms of a communicable disease. Medical directors should provide written guidance for school nurses and other school health professionals to follow on the basic signs and symptoms of potential infectious diseases that warrant excluding a student from school until the student is seen and cleared by a licensed health care provider.
Disease | Condition Fact Sheets & Resources
NYSDOH Controlling Communicable Disease in the Child Care Setting
Provides an overview of common communicable diseases, incubation, modes of transmission, exclusion information, and reporting requirements. Exclusion recommendations for a confirmed disease should be reviewed and approved by the school medical director to ensure they meet current best practice guidelines.
NYSDOH Controlling Communicable Disease in the Child Care Setting Poster Chart Order form
New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Disease Fact Sheets
Communicable disease fact sheets that are specific to the selected disease or condition, including chickenpox, ebola, fifth disease, impetigo, MRSA, monkeypox, pertussis etc.
NYSDOH Respiratory Virus Guidance (March 2024)
Includes information on when to stay home and when individuals can return to normal activities after respiratory infections, including COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) for Non-Healthcare Settings.
CDC Preventing Spread of Infections in K-12 Schools
This guidance is designed to maximize school attendance and its benefits for all students, while also preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
CDC Diseases & Conditions
Current information and resources that are specific to the selected disease and condition.
Respiratory Virus Guidance (March 2024)
Respiratory Virus Guidance Update FAQ (March 2024)
Respiratory Virus Guidance Snapshot (March 2024)
Infographic that can be posted on core prevention and additional prevention strategies
Reporting Charts for NYS and NYC
NYSDOH Communicable Disease Reporting Chart and Form
Reporting of suspected or confirmed communicable diseases is mandated under the NYS Sanitary Code (10NYCRR 2.10). Although physicians have primary responsibility for reporting, school nurses may also be required to report communicable diseases. The school medical director, where required by law, should be consulted.
NY City - Communicable Disease Reporting Requirements
Reporting chart for NYC
See Also:
- Guidelines & Memos - Communicable Disease
- Samples |Forms - For customizable resources specific to this topic
Page Updated 5/29/24