Did your High School get Selected to Participate in the Voluntary Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)?

The 2025 NYS YRBS is underway in high schools across the state. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) randomly selects NYS public and vocational high schools to participate in the voluntary survey. If your high school was chosen to take the survey, you can help facilitate the process by encouraging and advocating student participation. Participation illuminates students’ experiences so parents, districts, and schools can provide resources for student-identified needs.

The NYSCSH and the NYSED create and share resources that utilize the survey data, such as infographics that can be used as teaching tools for school districts and health educators.

This one-minute video by students describes the importance of the YRBS as a mechanism to have their voices heard safely and anonymously.

CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey Student Video (2024)